

ContenBox is an Award-winning global podcast platform with over 50 million audio content in 135 countries and 70 languages, listened by over 15 million users. Castbox’s proprietary technology includes features like curated podcast recommendations and in-audio deep search to customize the listening experience.

ContenBox is airdropping 10 BOX tokens to airdrop participants and a random amount of tokens (up to 20) for each referral. ICO token price: 1 BOX = 0,05 USD

How to join?

  • 1. Go to airdrop page 
  • 2. Join Telegram, click on ”Join the community”
  • 3. You will receive 10 points, every point will convert into 1 BOX after the airdrop ends
  • 4. Log in with your Telegram account and add friends manually to receive a random amount of tokens (up to 20)
  • 5. By the end of the airdrop, the Top 20 most connected community members will be rewarded (see the reward list on airdrop page)
  • 6. If the Telegram group reaches 80,000 members by June 25th then an extra 100,0000 BOX tokens will be equally distributed to all the participants.
  • 7. You will be able to convert your points to BOX tokens after June 26th
  • 8. You need to download the ContenBox app and you will get a Redeem code to redeem your points


~$0,50 + referral
Approx. value
days left

It looks like you are too late! The airdrop is closed.

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