ENULS Testnet


Experience the live ENULS Testnet by interacting with ÐApps. Participate now for a chance to share in 60,000 $NULS Airdrop!


ENULS, initiated by the NULS community, is a blockchain that is fully compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and Web3 API interfaces. ENULS uses $NULS as its main asset and allows for the transfer of NULS contract and chain assets to its network. As a layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, ENULS offers improved performance and lower gas fees.

The cross-chain capability from NULS’s Parallel Chain – NerveNetwork, will empower assets from ENULS to be transferred and interacted with multi-chains, such as Ethereum, BNB Chain, TronOptimism, Arbitrum, and Zksync.

~$ 16,500 Prize Pool
Approx. value

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Step by step guide ENULS Testnet Airdrop

  1. Visit beta.cubiswap.finance, and connect to your wallet. Make sure you switch the network to ENULS test net before connecting.

  2. Use the test token you claimed previously from the faucet to make a direct swap.

  3. Find the hash of the swap you just completed on CUBISWAP on ENULS explorer.

  4. Submit the transaction hash and your essential info in the form.

  5. Visit beta.bridge.nerve.network, and connect to your wallet. Make sure you switch the network to ENULS test net before connecting.

  6. Bridge $NULS from ENULS to NULS using the test token you claimed from the faucet.

  7. Find the hash of the transaction you just completed on ENULS explorer.

  8. Submit the transaction hash and your essential info in the form.

Step-by-Step Guide ''ENULS Testnet Airdrop''
Before you can interact with the ENULS ecosystem ÐApps, remember to claim some test tokens from the ENULS Faucet. Simply connect your Nabox or MetaMask wallet and request the NULS test tokens by clicking “REQUEST 2 NULS”. You will see your wallet balance after switching your wallet to ENULS Testnet. Now, interact with these ÐApps  to share 60,000 $NULS:
CUBISWAP, an ENULS ecosystem decentralized exchange:

NerveBridge, a ENULS ecosystem crosschain bridge:

▪️ Airdrop rules: Airdrop to early ecosystem participants monthly, each user can only submit the form only once. To avoid bots participants, the early bird bonus will only be Airdropped to addresses that have Binance Account Bound ($BAB) token, meanwhile, they will take measures to exclude single users with multiple entries. Good Luck!

When using decentralized applications (ÐApps), it’s critical to remember that YOU are responsible for the security of your digital assets!
Disclaimer: Investors should thoroughly examine any given product before they deposit or invest their funds! 

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