
The PIPE gDAO introduces a novel approach to impact investing with its PGF Web3 Launchpad beta test, linking university innovations directly to the Web3 community and offering $gDAO tokens as rewards to Beta Testers. Help build a better world with Web3!

About The PIPE gDAO

The PIPE gDAO is a regenerative finance (ReFi) ecosystem leveraging Web3 to fund university innovations from the lab to IPO, democratizing access to venture capital for impactful startups, powered by the PIPE Company OU’s LabtoIPO platform and its novel QED process.

This initiative represents a critical step towards bridging the gap between academic research and retail investment in the realm of impact investing.

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Step by step guide The PIPE gDAO Airdrop

  1. Navigate to The PIPE gDAO Testnet Launchpad web3 application.

  2. Connect your wallet on Sepolia, and claim ETH Sepolia test tokens.

  3. Test the investing function of the impact projects available for backing.

  4. Join the PIPE platform to delve deeper into impactful projects you like.

  5. Give your feedback using the form that pops up at the end of the test.
    You can register as a member through the Lab to IPO website (FAQ).

 Open a support ticket on Discord to get the “PGF Launchpad Beta Tester” role, for early adopter rewards upon the launch of the main-net Launchpad and gDAO protocols.


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* When using ÐApps, remember that your digital assets’ security is solely your responsibility!


Disclaimer: This content is for educational and informational purposes only and not financial advice. Conduct thorough research before making any deposit/investment decisions (DYOR).

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