

IdealCoin is a digital currency processed and protected by algorithms to be used in the PayMHO (PayMyHonestOpinion) digital social platform by influencers. It is a fun and engaging platform where sharing content generates value for the creator. IdealCoin is the currency in PayMHO for purchasing PoC algorithms that transform house tokens into accurate data. IdealCoin is rated 3.8/5 on ICO Bench.

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IdealCoin is airdropping 5 IDL tokens (~$ 3.10) to 40,000 airdrop participants. ICO price: 1 IDL = 0.62 USD

How to join?

  1. Go to the IdealCoin AirDrop form. 
  2. Join IdealCoin on Telegram & Refer a friend. 
  3. Follow IdealCoin on Twitter & Retweet two official Tweets.
  4. Follow IdealCoin on Facebook & Share two official Posts. 
  5. Submit your Ethereum wallet address and other details to the AirDrop form. 

Visit IdealCoin's Bitcointalk airdrop thread for more info on Airdrop campaign.

Visit IdealCoin's Bounty page on Bountiesalert for more info on Bounty campaign.


~$ 3.10
Approx. value

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Step by step guide IdealCoin Airdrop

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