0xdx Testnet


Get ready to unleash the power of decentralized NFT speculation with 0xdx! The platform is now live on Arbitrum Goerli Testnet and the time has come to seize the opportunity and participate in the $0XDX Airdrop.

About 0xdx

0xdx is a platform designed for NFT traders seeking financial instruments beyond the current primitive methods of trading and speculating. Introducing DeSpec, a new form of NFTFi, 0xdx allows for the creation of re-sellable NFT options, unlocking profit potential for NFT investors. With 0xdx, traders can create options contracts to long or short Blue Chip collections using ETH as collateral, with adjustable variables like Strike Price, Collateral and Premium. No need to stake NFTs, experience a new way to profit in the NFT market with 0xdx.

The $0XDX token will be used for governance and utility, unlocking value for community members and rewarding early adopters and top speculators. The team aims to create the SpecDAO to gather ideas and propose platform improvements, with top members being hand-picked from the community. Show your value to potentially be considered for a position in the SpecDAO.

Approx. value

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Step by step guide 0xdx Testnet Airdrop

  1. Login to the 0xdx Testnet platform.

  2. Claim your Arbitrum Goerli Test ETH on the dashboard.

  3. Check Rewards & Tasks to be completed.

  4. Complete the 0xdx Crew3 Quests.

Step-by-Step Guide ''0xdx Testnet Airdrop''

▪️ Testnet activities that will increase your allocation of community rewards are: Speculating on NFT collections via buying/selling/requesting options contracts, receiving payouts for expired options, obtaining specific Discord roles, and providing and engaging in critical discussion and feedback within the 0xdx Discord. Best of Luck!

When using decentralized applications (ÐApps), it’s critical to remember that YOU are responsible for the security of your digital assets!

Disclaimer: Investors should thoroughly examine any given product before they deposit or invest their funds!

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