Game of Alliance Testnet (Terra Money)


BREAKING NEWS!! The Terra Money – Game of Alliance Incentivized Testnet is LIVE. Complete missions and bonus bounties for your chance to earn a {REDACTED} Airdrop.

The competition ends at 00:00 UTC on Mar. 2nd. During this period, parameters, such as staking APRs, Alliance asset take rates, Alliance asset reward rates, and reward rate start times, will regularly change in accordance with the Next shuffle time shown at the top of the Staking page. When this occurs, players should aim to reallocate their Alliance assets to maximize staking yield, as total staking rewards contribute towards competition scoring.

About Game of Alliance

Alliance is an open-source Cosmos SDK module that leverages interchain staking to form economic alliances among blockchains. Alliance is an open-source Cosmos SDK module that leverages interchain staking to form economic alliances among blockchains. By boosting the economic activity across Cosmos chains through creating bilateral, mutually beneficial alliances, Alliance aims to give rise to a new wave of innovation, user adoption, and cross-chain collaboration. To learn about Alliance use cases, see the Alliance overview.

Using Alliance, decentralized economies can implement more sophisticated monetary policies, stimulating growth & prosperity. Here's how it works!

Game of Alliance Testnet (Terra Money)

Approx. value

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Step by step guide Game of Alliance Testnet (Terra Money) Airdrop

  1. Create a “New” Station wallet & Request Testnet funds from the Game of Alliance Faucet.

  2. Players must use a single wallet throughout the game & Cannot transfer tokens to another wallet.

  3. Transfer tokens between chains & Delegate to a validator on a Game of Alliance chain.

  4. Claim Staking Rewards. Players must stake tokens on at least one Game of Alliance chain. Learn How to capitalize on higher staking yields when parameters change by undelegating your staked tokens, transferring them cross-chain, and re-staking them, as total staking rewards contribute towards competition scoring.

  5. Specifically for validators, the following instructions will let you participate in the Testnet chain of your choosing.

  6. To be eligible for rewards, participants must submit the Game of Alliance Incentivized Testnet Validator Participation form to prove their identities. For more information, visit the Getting started guide.

  7. Winning selections will be announced on Twitter by Mar. 16th. Scores will be calculated using total staking rewards claimed and points earned from completed missions.

Step-by-Step Guide ''Game of Alliance Incentivized Testnet''
The Game of Alliance is a three-week incentivized Testnet competition designed to battle-test the Alliance module ahead of its mainnet release. Users and validators can complete various Missions and Bounties – such as delegating tokens on Game of Alliance chains or creating the best-automated staking tool – to compete and earn points and prizes. The rules of the game are simple:

▪️ At the end of the game, players that followed the rules will be eligible for an Airdrop from a soon-to-be-announced Alliance blockchain based on their score. Specific details on the chain and Airdrop will be released in the near future, so don't forget to turn on notifications for @Terra_Money.
For questions related to the Game of Alliance, feel free to send a message in the 🤝 | game-of-alliance channels in the Terra Discord and Terra Validators Discord – team members will be happy to assist. Best of Luck!

When using decentralized applications (ÐApps), it’s critical to remember that YOU are responsible for the security of your digital assets!

Disclaimer: Investors should thoroughly examine any given product before they deposit or invest their funds!

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