JustBet Testnet


JustBet is excited to announce the launch of the WINRs public Testnet Arbitrum Goerli, providing players with the opportunity to experience a unique decentralized and fair on-chain casino built on the $WINR Protocol. 

About JustBet

JustBet is revolutionizing online gambling with its use of blockchain technology to provide tamper-proof payouts, fair games, and a seamless casino experience. Using the WINR Protocol on the Arbitrum blockchain, JustBet offers a new standard for trust and security in the global gambling industry. Get ready for a whole new level of online gaming with JustBet.

Users can earn cashback rewards in vWINR tokens, exchangeable for $WINR tokens, and earn rewards by providing liquidity in exchange for a yield generated by gamblers' losses. Users can also purchase and win NFTs that can boost minting, repair daily streaks, reward referrals, and serve as a badge on user profiles.

JustBet Testnet

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Step by step guide JustBet Testnet Airdrop

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Step-by-Step Guide ''JustBet Early WINRs Incentivized Public Testnet''
You have two options to participate in the Arbitrum Goerli Testnet. The first is through the Testnet campaign on Galxe and the second is by completing Testnet tasks on Crew3.xyz platform:
● 1-20: $50 worth of $WINR tokens + Mystery Box for each participant;
● 21-100: $10 worth of $WINR tokens + Mystery Box for each participant;
● 101-1000: Mystery Box for each participant.

When using decentralized applications (ÐApps), it’s critical to remember that YOU are responsible for the security of your digital assets!

DisclaimerInvestors should take the time to research any given product before they deposit or invest their funds (DYOR). 

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