Lend Finance Testnet


Lend Finance has launched an Incentivized Testnet Campaign for its new DeFi lending protocol. Participants can earn rewards and get hands-on experience with LEND while providing valuable feedback. Over $20,000 in $LEND token prizes are up for grabs, along with a free LEND NFT for all participants.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to earn rewards and explore LEND's protocol. Sign up for the LEND Testnet today!

About Lend Finance

Lend Finance is a decentralized lending protocol that allows users to instantly access liquidity cross-chain in a single click. The platform is permissionless, transparent, and non-custodial, with competitive interest rates for lending assets. Lend is a natural extension of the TEN Finance Ecosystem.

The $LEND token is used for governance, staking, locking, and voting, providing holders with a say in the future of the platform and the ability to earn passive income. With plans to launch on multiple chains and lower platform fees, Lend Finance is set to create a DeFi revolution and extract real yield for its users.

Lend Finance Testnet

~$ 20,000
Approx. value

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Step by step guide Lend Finance Testnet Airdrop

  1. Lend Finance s new cross-chain contracts are undergoing auditing. Once approved, the Testnet event will launch shortly after.

  2. Connect to LEND Testnet page & Claim Testnet tokens.

  3. Supply tokens to Lending Markets

  4. Create a borrow balance & Repay.

  5. Claim LEND tokens & Supply.

  6. Stake / Lock LEND tokens to earn protocol revenue.

  7. Provide valuable feedback.

  8. #LearnToLEND: Discover LEND Finance, Collect NFTs & Earn on Galxe.

Step-by-Step Guide ''Lend Finance Incentivized Testnet''
The LEND Testnet is a functional version of the LEND protocol that enables borrowing and lending without intermediaries through blockchain-based smart contracts. The incentivized Testnet campaign provides an opportunity for users to explore and learn more about the LEND protocol, gain insights, and contribute to its success.

▪️ As users complete the above tasks, they will earn points that can be redeemed for tokens and other rewards:
 $20,000 in $LEND tokens shared between lucky participants
 LEND Wassie NFT for ALL participants
 Physical LEND merch bundles for completing social tasks
 Earn whitelist spots to access the LEND token sales
In addition, LEND Airdrops will soon be available to various DeFi communities, including Curve, Venus, AAVE, Compound, and more. Stay tuned for further details!

* When using decentralized applications (ÐApps), it’s critical to remember that YOU are responsible for the security of your digital assets. 
Disclaimer: This content is not intended to be financial advice. Investors should take the time to research any given product before they invest their funds. 

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