Sharky Swap Testnet


Get ready to swim with Sharky Swap, the all-in-one DEX you've been waiting for! With all the features a blockchain user needs, the Testnet is a must to ensure a smooth mainnet launch. 

All the beta testers' addresses will be registered for an upcoming event that sharks still cannot unveil…

About Sharky Swap

Sharky Swap is a next-generation decentralized exchange (DEX), built on the Arbitrum blockchain, that utilizes a layer 2 scaling solution for on-chain processing, reducing the load on the Ethereum mainchain and lowering the cost of trading. 

With a focus on delivering a comprehensive trading experience, Sharky Swap offers features such as fast and cheap token swaps, zero slippage for stablecoin trades, earning opportunities through vaults and farming pools, quick liquidity pool creation with a one-click, cross-chain token transfer, and even leverage trading. 

Sharky Swap Testnet

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Step by step guide Sharky Swap Testnet Airdrop

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Step-by-Step Guide ''Sharky Swap Testnet''
For the first version of Sharky Swap, only Swap & Farming are available, that you can now test on the Goerli network:

▪️ All features that will be available from launch will be tested by you on a private Testnet beta with a reward.. aaa they won’t say more. Best of Luck!

When using decentralized applications (ÐApps), it’s critical to remember that YOU are responsible for the security of your digital assets!
Disclaimer: Investors should thoroughly examine any given product before they deposit or invest their funds! 

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